What? Oriental dragon clan? Is there our Oriental Dragon in this game? It’s possible. After all, it’s normal for us to add the Dragon clan to the Oriental game.

With an idea in my heart, Lin Tianxiao really wants to see what our Oriental Dragon is like. Generally, it can only be seen in mythology.
At this time, the dragon Carl’s doppelganger suddenly screamed in the sky and then surprised Lin Tianxiao. The original unconscious and the dragon Carl’s doppelganger actually spoke!
"It is said that you titans are on a par with us dragons. Today I will see if it is true!"
Did Carl the dragon really come? Lin Tianxiao came up with such an idea in his heart and quickly retreated with his body because he knew that if the two God-level boss were killed, it would definitely turn upside down, and he would be either dead or disabled!
Five *oss also saw Lin Tianxiao’s meaning and followed back to give this battlefield to two god-level boss. Oddly enough, the dragon Carl should have arrived when he arrived, but it did not disappear.
As if to prove Lin Tian-xie’s idea, the dragon Carl shouted, "Come on, I can come for ten minutes!"
"You’re welcome!"
I don’t know, but a huge stone weighing ten tons appeared in the hands of the titan king, and his hands slammed into the dragon Carl.
Ten tons of boulders roared and flew to the dragon Carl as if it were popular. The dragon Carl not only didn’t hide, but also laughed contemptuously. "Ha ha ha, that’s all?"
See the dragon Carl hit the boulder with one punch, and the boulder immediately fell apart and broke into several small stones and blaster away at other places.
Swish, swish, swish!
Boom boom!
Even if the rubble becomes small stones, each one has a head size that is rapidly retreating. Lin Tianxie and Wu *oss are immediately covered by these stones, as if the Titan King and the dragon Carl had already calculated that throwing stones is specially for them.
Youlong’s pace was put to the extreme by Lin Tianxiao, and the five *oss also had their own unique skills, constantly avoiding the blaster and gravel. Fortunately, all six of them hid in the past.
"Hum, you are lucky that the reptile didn’t kill you!"
Lin Tianxie and Wu *oss were frightened. Sure enough, this is a trap set by the dragon Carl and the Titan King.
"Forget it, since I can’t kill you, I don’t want to fight for the second time!"
"Then fight!"
The two gods boss immediately rushed to the other side without escaping or shouting, and they rushed to the front to show melee.
To tell the truth, the Titan King is absolutely dominant in hand-to-hand combat, but he doesn’t take advantage of it!
See the titan king fist boom to the dragon Carl’s head Rao is the dragon Carl also dare not hard to meet each other this fist head flops to avoid the attack and then stretched out relative to the two of them short arm mercilessly boom to the titan king chest.
I didn’t avoid the Titan King, but I was punched by Carl the Dragon!
Bang a fist to the meat titan king body is waved and didn’t retreat half a step.
"Hum, this little strength is still called a god!" Humming, the titan king immediately jumped on the dragon Carl, clutching a swing in his hands and hitting him on the shoulder.
Click one!
Bone fracture sound Dragon Carl’s shoulder was directly smashed and collapsed, and there was no roar or pain. Dragon Carl also responded to the Titan King’s fist, which directly hit the Titan King’s head. It can be said that the attack speed of the two was similar.
Half of the Titan King’s face was smashed, half of it was convulsed, and the Titan King blew a punch again, and the dragon Carl also kicked it!
Almost at the same time, the two crashed into the distant Lin Tianxie and five *oss ears, and they couldn’t help shivering. If they got in their own bodies, they would be smashed into paste directly.
"Do you still want to kill me?" Just when the two God-level boss fought against each other, Lin Tianxiae asked a side of five OSS.
"Hum, you are far wrong. Today we are fighting to the death!" Huan *oss cold hum a way
"Lift the blockade and let’s get out!"
So the five *oss contacted this world and blocked the body, and fled this battlefield in a flash. Lin Tianxiao showed a smile at his mouth. To be honest, if they want to fight hard with themselves, they will die. Now how can Carl the dragon care about himself?
However, they have been frightened by the two God-level boss. Where can they fight with themselves and have the courage to stare at the two God-level boss? Lin Tianxiae suddenly thinks that if they lose both sides, can they slay them?
To achieve this goal, Lin Tianxie actually made something that surprised two *oss.
It doesn’t matter whether the two *oss can see that they put the red poison in the necessary position. Lin Tianxiao actually used the group poison twice!
Immediately, the bodies of the two God-level boss became green, and the red poison was covered by the green poison, so the roots could not be seen, but the effect was still there.
The two God-level boss are all stupefied. They didn’t expect the bug to attack themselves. It’s simply amazing. If others, such as Five OSS, saw them, they wouldn’t have fled long ago!
Carl the dragon roared and punched the titan king one by one, but the titan king didn’t give up the attack and continued to attack Carl the dragon. In their view, a bug is nothing, even if it poisoned himself, it can crush him with one hand, but now if they let their guard down, they will be nullified by the other side.
It is precisely because Scorpio Lin saw this that he dared to poison the two God-level boss, and after the poison, Scorpio Lin quickly retreated to the rear and left the two-person war circle.
Seeing that Lin Tianxie is away from the two God-level boss, he no longer takes a reason. Lin Tianxie is serious about punching me, and I can nullify each other’s hundreds of thousands of blood every time.
Ten minutes later, nine minutes passed, and the blood volume of the two God-level boss was less than 200 million, which shows how fierce the two men were fighting. You know, the blood volume of the two God-level boss is 3.5 billion!
"Hum, I don’t have much time, and my strength is half, so must you!" The dragon Carl cold hum a way
"Yes, I’m still a million miles away. This is one of my two places at once, but it’s a pleasure to kill today. It’s been years since I fought like this, and my body has become rusty!"
"Then we’ll fight again. I have one more thing to do this time!"
Not good!
Lin Tian evil heart andao a body running away at the same time!
"Want to run? It’s not that easy! "
The dragon Carl roared and immediately chased Lin Tianxie with his wings. In less than ten seconds, he was less than five hundred meters away from Lin Tianxie, and in ten seconds, they were hundreds of meters apart.
Just then, a black shadow fell from the sky, followed by a handful of Lin Tianxiao, who caught himself with wings and rushed into the distance.
Carl, who is chasing the evil dragon Lin Tian, is stunned because he feels the same kind of breath, but this kind of body has a smell of death!
"Damn you people who gave birth and betrayed the dragon, today I Carl will destroy you on behalf of the dragon!" The dragon Carl roared and flapped his wings, and it didn’t take a moment to catch up with the man behind Lin Tianxiao.
A dragon’s inflammation spurted in, but this shadow was very quick. As soon as the body fell, it escaped the attack of the dragon Carl and then continued to fly forward.
At this time, Lin Tianxie has a full face of horror, and he believes that the facts in front of him are absolutely impossible, but they really happen in front of him.
"Master, come on, attack that dragon or not, we will all die!"
Hearing this, Lin Tianxiao didn’t want to be so much. He immediately took out his dragon sword and flashed several soul fire symbols at the dragon Carl. At the same time, he also shouted "God punishment!"
Lin Tianxiao knew that he could never trap the dragon Carl by using his skills, but he didn’t want to trap the dragon Carl. He just wanted to delay the dragon Carl for a few seconds.

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标题:南宁养生馆耳疗体验——倾听自然的疗愈之声 在我国南方美丽的绿城南宁,养生已经成为越来越多人的生活方式。在这个充满活力的城市中,有一家独具特色的养生馆,以其独特的耳疗服务吸引了不少追求健康生活的人群。近日,我有幸体验了一次南宁养生馆的耳疗服务,感受到了自然的疗愈之声。桑拿夜网品茶论坛http://www.kjbcu.cn 一走进养生馆,便被温馨舒适的氛围所包围。馆内装饰简洁大方,充满了中式元素,让人感受到一股宁静祥和的气息。在专业耳疗师的热情接待下,我开始了这次奇妙的耳疗之旅。 耳疗,又称耳穴按摩,是一种通过刺激耳部穴位来调节人体脏腑功能、缓解病痛、增强体质的方法。在南宁这家养生馆,耳疗服务分为以下几个步骤: 1. 询问病史:耳疗师首先会详细询问我的身体状况和病史,以便制定个性化的耳疗方案。 2. 耳穴定位:根据我的体质和需求,耳疗师在耳朵上找到相应的穴位,并标记出来。 3. 耳穴按摩:耳疗师运用专业的手法,对标记的穴位进行按摩,以刺激穴位,达到调节脏腑功能的目的。 4. 耳部放松:在耳穴按摩结束后,耳疗师会让我躺在舒适的床上,闭上眼睛,放松身心,享受耳疗带来的宁静。 在整个过程中,耳疗师的手法非常专业,力度适中,让我感到非常舒适。在耳穴按摩的过程中,我仿佛置身于一个宁静的世界,外界的一切喧嚣都被隔绝在外,只剩下耳朵里传来的轻微按摩声。 经过一次耳疗体验,我感受到了以下几方面的改善: 1桑拿夜网品茶论坛http://www.liuhuihui2008.cn. 精神状态得到提升:耳疗过程中,我感到身心得到了放松,精神状态明显好转。 2. 肠胃功能得到改善:我之前有轻微的胃痛,经过耳疗后,胃痛症状得到了明显缓解。 3. 睡眠质量得到提高:耳疗后,我感到入睡更加容易,睡眠质量也得到了提高。 4. 免疫力增强:耳疗有助于调节人体脏腑功能,提高免疫力,让我更加健康。 总之,南宁养生馆的耳疗体验让我深刻感受到了自然的疗愈之声。在繁忙的生活中,给自己一个放松的机会,让耳朵倾听自然的疗愈之声,相信每个人都能够收获健康和快乐。如果你也想尝试耳疗,不妨去南宁这家养生馆,给自己一个美好的体验。

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