Ah Hong’s face was complicated and he bowed his head slowly. Yes, it made me realize that I was easily caught by others, which didn’t hurt my confidence too much. "

Zhaojie corners of the mouth cocked his finger and threw a small bullet at Ahong’s forehead, which was easily caught by the latter. Take a look at Ahong and immediately exclaimed, "Destiny ring?"? "
"No" zhaojie faintly said that the B-class props were ordered to lock the enemy for twenty seconds, so that all the senses of the enemy could be enhanced tenfold in two seconds.
"Boss, you mean that Muse actually used this prop when he fought with me?" Ah Hong’s natural life-saving ring has this one, which is actually specially designed to restrain the speed specialty. The speed specialty is a god-class prop, and the sensory acuity is super strong, and then it seems beneficial to attack with physical toughness. However, when the sensory enhancement is too much, the specialty will control the body to feel that it is carrying out a rapid attack, but the body’s dynamic speed will be reduced accordingly, and the faster the speed, the stronger the sense, and the slower the speed will be once the life-saving ring ability is hit.
Zhaojie nodded. No, I was watching you fight the Muse in the dark. Let’s just say that your last attack was almost the speed of a girl throwing herself at the Muse except for one hundred. At that time, your speed, let alone the Muse, could easily catch you even as a child. That’s why I can rescue you from the Muse at once. "
Ah Hong suddenly realized that the muse with a gloomy face is really a vicious guy. Even in the battle, he didn’t forget to play some tricks to destroy my confidence. I must kill him when I see him once. "
Clear month beside the way since that guy has the first luck to quit because he won’t have the second. "
Ah Hong sneered that this time I gave him a chance because of my negligence, and once he did, he wouldn’t have this chance. "
Zhaojie said lightly, let’s talk about it afterwards. I advise you two to keep up your spirits first, and then we have to deal with that man over there. "
"In fact, even if we kill him, we may not be able to obtain manufacturing information?" Clear month sighed
Zhaojie patted her on the shoulder and smiled. He assured me that he would stop attacking when he was dying. I naturally have a way to make him spit out all the secrets. "
So for half an hour, all three of them were recuperating and waiting for the protective screen to rise.
In the blink of an eye, the screen of energy slowly rises, and Zhao Jie and the other three stand in line here, while Kurt is running in this bright environment, tired and lying on the ground, sleeping.
At the moment, his face is a seven-year-old chubby little face that stirs his stomach with breathing and falls asleep.
"Eldest brother … are you really going to start work on him?" Macro asked with wide mouth.
"…" zhaojie never thought that Kurt’s body turned out to be a seemingly simple and honest face and a full face of depression, but he finally gritted his teeth and put his second finger on his right eyelid and left eye. A green mans flashed and a light shone on Kurt’s face.
Concentrate on starting
The moment Xiao Pang suddenly woke up with a roar, and after the 13-meter-high Xu Parion giant looked at zhaojie with a full face of vigilance.
Green light back zhaojie gently waved a light in front of three people.
Ke Franchised Parion Giant Order
Power 112
Spirit 1452
Physical strength 112
Magic 5299
Physical defense 22
Attribute Magic Defense 135 Thunder Magic Defense 5
Skill 1 Titan’s skin makes Parion Giant’s strongest Titan have 3 chances to block all attacks.
Skill 2 Raytheon Xu Parion Giant is the incarnation of thunder. There are 3 ordinary attacks with 5 points of thunder magic damage.
Skill 3 Raytheon Spear allows the Parion giant to take the thunder element from the air and twist it into a huge Raytheon spear to attack the enemy, causing 2 lightning magic damage to the enemy.
Skill 4: Raytheon arrival Xu Parion giant summons Raytheon to possess strength and spirit, and each physical magic increases by 1 point for ten minutes. After the skill effect disappears, the attribute decreases for one day.
Feature 1: This unit cannot be dazzled, slowed down, silenced, lethargic, suppressed, floated, repelled or blinded.
Feature 2: This unit belongs to the B-arms, and its priority is less than 5 arrays. The transformation skill is similar to the effect of soul-grasping, mind-mind-imprinting and Tang Dynasty government chaos.
Feature 3: The unit has the ability to grow and can continue to advance like a passer-by
"…" Three people saw that this super-strong property panel was in a state of sluggishness. The underground city Xu Parion, a giant elder, caught Kurt. I’m afraid it would be bad for him. "Elder Xu Parion disdainfully asked them to go to that group of idiots and picked a soft persimmon. As a result, the strongest one among us, Kurt, was chosen. They were seasoned with an old saying."
"Old … big …" Ah Hong suddenly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but there was no liquid in his mouth. He said to zhaojie with difficulty, can you show us the attributes of the split blade again? "
"…" zhaojie waved a screen in front of Acer.
"Split the sword-level props to create a battle, and suck in the enemies and companions you want to fight. After entering the battle, both sides will have half an hour to prepare. After half an hour, both sides will hold an exhibition [undead endlessly] and fight [the winner can leave]." Ah Hong emphatically read out the word Li and then looked back hard at Qing Yue. Didn’t I read it? "
Qing Yue’s little face turned white, which should not be said.
Zhaojie, this time, this is really, really kicking the iron plate.
Powerful things and demons, double resistance, superb things and demons, double cultivation, rich red and blue, and a series of skills and characteristics of Nima. God, Ma, Zhen, Kaya, alien queen, burning devil’s horn, wooden dumpling, compared with him, are all slag, wood and wood?
The rest is all right. The key lies in this fellow’s characteristics. The code label 1 says that Lao Ji is not afraid to control mainstream control skills. Throw it at Brother if you can break Brother’s defense.
This skill alone will kill zhaojie. Now Zhao Jie is a control skill based on this feature. One base is equivalent to directly abolishing zhaojie.
There is also feature 2. When I came to zhaojie, I just sat down and ground this small piece of blood until it was only a trace of blood, so that I could recruit it as a slave, but even he didn’t take it. Does the priority reach 5? If not, it’s really a sad reminder.
"Are you going to hurt me?" Kurt looked at zhaojie with a mixture of fear and anger.
Zhaojie lamented that the ability of concentration is to see through all the basic data of no more than the second-order enemy, not including the passer-by, but the vice is whether you detect other people’s data or not, they will be attacked by you.
But fortunately, it is better to focus on this chubby ambassador first, so that there can be some excuses
Zhaojie gave a wry smile and said, "We didn’t actually intend to attack you, but did my treasure interfere with your energy? We were sent to this place and there was no way for us to wake you up."
Kurt one leng immediately said nonsense with a face of disbelief … You just attacked me. "
Zhaojie made a finger ring. Before Ahong changed, he pulled out a huge kitchen knife and slammed it into the distance with a knife. The blue crescent rushed out and crashed on the peripheral screen, and the whole screen was thundered and trembled.
"See? If we really want to attack you, you may be unscathed? I really want to discuss something with you. "
Kurt seems to be stunned by Ahong’s crescent moon. He nods blankly. So it is, but … Do you want to discuss it with me? "

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正文: 尊敬的求职者们,你是否在寻找一个充满活力、具有发展潜力的工作环境?你是否渴望在服装行业展现自己的才华,实现个人价值?现在,机会来了!南宁龙凤制衣厂现正热招各类职位,欢迎您的加入! 一、公司简介 南宁龙凤制衣厂成立于1998年,是一家集服装设计、生产、销售于一体的综合性企业。公司位于美丽的广西壮族自治区首府南宁,占地面积达20000平方米,拥有现代化的生产设备和先进的管理体系。多年来,龙凤制衣厂以其优良的品质、精湛的工艺和良好的口碑赢得了国内外客户的信赖。 二、热招职位及要求 1. 服装设计师 职位要求: – 大专及以上学历,服装设计相关专业; – 具备较强的审美能力和创新能力; – 熟悉服装设计软件,如CAD、Photoshop等; – 有相关工作经验者优先。 2. 服装工艺师 职位要求: – 中专及以上学历,服装相关专业; – 熟悉服装生产工艺流程,具备较强的动手能力; – 有一定的服装行业工作经验者优先。 3. 质检员 职位要求: – 中专及以上学历,纺织、服装相关专业; – 熟悉各类服装检验标准,具备良好的责任心; – 有相关工作经验者优先。 4. 生产组长 职位要求: – 大专及以上学历,管理类相关专业; – 具备较强的组织协调能力和团队管理能力; – 有服装行业生产管理经验者优先。 5. 销售代表 职位要求: – 大专及以上学历,市场营销、服装相关专业; – 具备良好的沟通能力和客户服务意识; – 有销售经验者优先。 三、福利待遇 1. 具有竞争力的薪资待遇,根据个人能力和岗位需求面议; ...

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标题:南宁养生馆耳疗体验——倾听自然的疗愈之声 在我国南方美丽的绿城南宁,养生已经成为越来越多人的生活方式。在这个充满活力的城市中,有一家独具特色的养生馆,以其独特的耳疗服务吸引了不少追求健康生活的人群。近日,我有幸体验了一次南宁养生馆的耳疗服务,感受到了自然的疗愈之声。桑拿夜网品茶论坛http://www.kjbcu.cn 一走进养生馆,便被温馨舒适的氛围所包围。馆内装饰简洁大方,充满了中式元素,让人感受到一股宁静祥和的气息。在专业耳疗师的热情接待下,我开始了这次奇妙的耳疗之旅。 耳疗,又称耳穴按摩,是一种通过刺激耳部穴位来调节人体脏腑功能、缓解病痛、增强体质的方法。在南宁这家养生馆,耳疗服务分为以下几个步骤: 1. 询问病史:耳疗师首先会详细询问我的身体状况和病史,以便制定个性化的耳疗方案。 2. 耳穴定位:根据我的体质和需求,耳疗师在耳朵上找到相应的穴位,并标记出来。 3. 耳穴按摩:耳疗师运用专业的手法,对标记的穴位进行按摩,以刺激穴位,达到调节脏腑功能的目的。 4. 耳部放松:在耳穴按摩结束后,耳疗师会让我躺在舒适的床上,闭上眼睛,放松身心,享受耳疗带来的宁静。 在整个过程中,耳疗师的手法非常专业,力度适中,让我感到非常舒适。在耳穴按摩的过程中,我仿佛置身于一个宁静的世界,外界的一切喧嚣都被隔绝在外,只剩下耳朵里传来的轻微按摩声。 经过一次耳疗体验,我感受到了以下几方面的改善: 1桑拿夜网品茶论坛http://www.liuhuihui2008.cn. 精神状态得到提升:耳疗过程中,我感到身心得到了放松,精神状态明显好转。 2. 肠胃功能得到改善:我之前有轻微的胃痛,经过耳疗后,胃痛症状得到了明显缓解。 3. 睡眠质量得到提高:耳疗后,我感到入睡更加容易,睡眠质量也得到了提高。 4. 免疫力增强:耳疗有助于调节人体脏腑功能,提高免疫力,让我更加健康。 总之,南宁养生馆的耳疗体验让我深刻感受到了自然的疗愈之声。在繁忙的生活中,给自己一个放松的机会,让耳朵倾听自然的疗愈之声,相信每个人都能够收获健康和快乐。如果你也想尝试耳疗,不妨去南宁这家养生馆,给自己一个美好的体验。

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