
PS: I didn’t mean to fool the readers. It means that I can’t stop being sleepy, but I did say it was my fault that I didn’t do it. I’m sorry, everyone.
Chapter one hundred and one Silver Dawn
After putting [things] and [dark wizard’s body] into the backpack, Feng took Moz to the carriage direction, but before walking a few steps, he suddenly felt the pain in his chest as if it were burning. He quickly took off his tough leather armor and found that the skin on his chest was black.
"Is this just the spell when dark wizard came to push me? This effect is slow enough, and I don’t know if the gauze has any injury like this. "Maple said and took out the rough gauze in the backpack and adjusted the pain to 1% by the way.
Looking at maple gauze to bandage the wound, Moz took it out on the surface and wrote that it looked very painful, and then handed it to Feng.
"It’s commonplace," replied Feng calmly after looking at it.
Looking at a face of light wind, light clouds and light maple, Moz nodded in surprise and then wrote a brave man.
After the dressing was completed, Feng took Moz to the place where the carriage was parked. After explaining it to the driver, he set off and returned to Mitte City.
"Mr. Moz, why don’t you go home first and I’ll come to you when I’m ready?" After the carriage, Feng asked Mo Zi’s way
"I am sick!" Moz said that he was depressed and grabbed a hair, then wrote a line and tore the paper and handed it to Feng.
When Feng took it, he saw that it was Moz’s address and nodded. "But before that, you have to solve the cursed problem. One day, a pastor friend of mine came back and I asked him if he could help you."
Moz nodded wildly immediately after hearing it.
"See you that day." Maple waved at Moz and then returned to Yvette’s cabin.
Yvette Ritter is sitting in a chair in the hut, and her face is intoxicated with coffee.
"Do you want to continue practicing?" Yves Ritter put a coffee cup after seeing Feng come in and asked
"No, I want to ask my tutor about my chest injury." Maple said, taking off her tough leather armor and revealing the wound wrapped in bandages.
Everit took a look and said calmly, "It’s just a magic burn. It’s nothing serious. Just go to Keith and disperse it for you. Have you killed that dark wizard?"
"Mentor, you have a good memory. You just got rid of it." After hearing that it’s nothing serious, Feng can rest assured to re-equip the tough leather armor.
"That looks like a really bad dark wizard," Evelyn said leisurely after taking a sip of coffee.
"Teacher, is it good for you to hurt me so much …" Maple said contemptuously.
"Of course it can make people happy," Evelyn Ritter laughed.
Ha ha!
I was thinking about how to fight back when the maple chat bar suddenly lit up, so he took a look and found that it was from the breeze and clouds.
"I just got a bomb. Are you interested?"
"Of course, I’m interested." Feng immediately replied that after several battles, his props were already left, which really needed to be supplemented.
"I’ll see you at the gate of the warehouse," the breeze said.
"Good Malay" Feng said and hung up the private chat with Yvette, then left the hut and went to the warehouse, and took out 15 gold in the mailbox on the way.
"Hey, come back here."
Just before coming to the warehouse, Feng heard the sound of the breeze and clouds, looked towards the place where the sound was made, and saw him and found Weiyang Shuang was there.
"It seems that the harvest is good in the past two days." Feng walked over and looked at a pair of unfinished shoes and said that he had changed several pieces of equipment and showed that they were all high-grade goods.
"Ha ha but still can’t compare with returning you." Weiyang double laughed.
"Modesty, then if you have any other good gains, just take them out and I promise to buy them all." Feng patted his backpack and said.
After hearing maple’s words, the wind and clouds laughed. "Sure enough, we came back to the moat. We got good things and thought of you for the first time. Oh, by the way, this is to promise you props consumption compensation. Do you see if you are satisfied?" The wind and clouds said that and launched a transaction with Maple.
After accepting the transaction, Feng took a look at the transaction bar. A bomb is much better than a copper bomb in appearance. It should be a good thing.
Adhesive bomb (explosive)
Make times 1/1
Excellent quality
The effect will stick tightly to the target.
What is the best way to make remarks? Stick it directly to the target’s forehead!
"Wow, I’m very satisfied." Maple nods.
"I’m glad you like it, then you can take a look at this." The breeze said and put a silver bomb.
Silver Dawn (Explosive)

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正文: 尊敬的求职者们,你是否在寻找一个充满活力、具有发展潜力的工作环境?你是否渴望在服装行业展现自己的才华,实现个人价值?现在,机会来了!南宁龙凤制衣厂现正热招各类职位,欢迎您的加入! 一、公司简介 南宁龙凤制衣厂成立于1998年,是一家集服装设计、生产、销售于一体的综合性企业。公司位于美丽的广西壮族自治区首府南宁,占地面积达20000平方米,拥有现代化的生产设备和先进的管理体系。多年来,龙凤制衣厂以其优良的品质、精湛的工艺和良好的口碑赢得了国内外客户的信赖。 二、热招职位及要求 1. 服装设计师 职位要求: – 大专及以上学历,服装设计相关专业; – 具备较强的审美能力和创新能力; – 熟悉服装设计软件,如CAD、Photoshop等; – 有相关工作经验者优先。 2. 服装工艺师 职位要求: – 中专及以上学历,服装相关专业; – 熟悉服装生产工艺流程,具备较强的动手能力; – 有一定的服装行业工作经验者优先。 3. 质检员 职位要求: – 中专及以上学历,纺织、服装相关专业; – 熟悉各类服装检验标准,具备良好的责任心; – 有相关工作经验者优先。 4. 生产组长 职位要求: – 大专及以上学历,管理类相关专业; – 具备较强的组织协调能力和团队管理能力; – 有服装行业生产管理经验者优先。 5. 销售代表 职位要求: – 大专及以上学历,市场营销、服装相关专业; – 具备良好的沟通能力和客户服务意识; – 有销售经验者优先。 三、福利待遇 1. 具有竞争力的薪资待遇,根据个人能力和岗位需求面议; ...

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在我国南方城市南宁,绿地遍布,绿意盎然。在这座城市中,茶馆如星罗棋布,为市民和游客提供了一个品茗休闲的好去处。今天,就让我们一起来了解一下南宁绿地周边的茶馆分布,感受这方茶香带来的生活韵味。 一、中山路——桂山茶馆 中山路是南宁的一条繁华街道,而桂山茶馆就坐落在这条街道上。这里不仅是南宁人喜爱的喝茶品茶之地,更是外地游客到南宁旅游时的必去之地。桂山茶馆以其独特的地理位置和丰富的茶文化内涵,吸引了众多茶客。 在这里,你可以品尝到正宗的四大名茶:绿茶、白茶、红茶和黑茶。此外,还有陆羽茶,这是一款具有悠久历史的茶叶品种。在桂山茶馆,你不仅可以品尝到各种茶叶,还可以体验陆羽茶道文化,感受茶圣陆羽与茶之间的深厚情感。 二、青秀山风景区周边茶馆 青秀山风景区是南宁的著名景点,周边茶馆众多,为游客提供了舒适的品茗环境。以下是一些值得一去的茶馆: 1. 青秀山茶馆:位于青秀山风景区内,环境优雅,茶香四溢。在这里,你可以欣赏到美丽的山水风光,同时品味到各种名茶。 2. 青山茶舍:位于青秀山风景区附近,以提供优质茶叶和茶点而闻名。在这里,你可以品尝到各种茶叶,如龙井、碧螺春等。 3. 青山茶庄:位于青秀山风景区附近,是一家具有悠久历史的茶庄。在这里,你可以品尝到各种名茶,同时了解茶文化。 三、南宁其他绿地周边茶馆 除了中山路和青秀山风景区周边的茶馆,南宁其他绿地周边也有不少值得一去的茶馆: 1. 南宁植物园茶馆:位于南宁植物园内,环境优美,茶香浓郁。在这里,你可以品尝到各种名茶,同时欣赏植物园的美景。 2. 南宁人民公园茶馆:位于南宁人民公园内,环境宜人,茶香四溢。在这里,你可以品尝到各种茶叶,如铁观音、大红袍等。 3. 南宁南湖公园茶馆:位于南宁南湖公园内,环境优雅,茶香四溢。在这里,你可以品尝到各种茶叶,如普洱、绿茶等。 总之,南宁绿地周边的茶馆分布广泛,为市民和游客提供了一个品茗休闲的好去处。在这里,你可以品味到各种名茶,感受茶文化的魅力,尽享美好生活。

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