Time flies quickly, and in half a day, there are already hundreds of millions of people who have challenged, but they can withstand the misty back and forth, and there are only fifty people.

Rao, did fifty people get the dragon’s approval or let the dragon king’s mouth twitch constantly? In his mind, the ideal number was about ten. At the beginning, he told all the people not to give them a chance to smash those humans to death, but now it’s only half of them, and fifty people were taken away, which made him have some way to bear it.
The dragon king doesn’t want to see such a thing happen. When he saw the dragon king’s secret words, his mouth trembled slightly but he couldn’t hear the sound.
A little bit in the ring, the players were attacked crazily by the dragon clan. If they took out 100% strength before, then now they take out 102% strength. All the players who entered the ring, Hwa-Sung Do, lost their white light and disappeared into the ring for tens of millions. No one succeeded.
Lin Tianxiao’s face is as ugly as it is ugly. His head is constantly braving the black line and his heart is angry. How can he not see the strength of these dragons? He suddenly saw a dragon king and saw a smile on his mouth. He was very satisfied with the current situation. This is the result he wanted to see.
Don’t blame me for your kindness!
Lin Tianxiao snorted in his heart. Although he predicted this situation, he still left a hand. Among the more than 20 million people left, 100 people have enemy skills. This is his last resort.
As time goes by, Lin Tianxiao has already arranged for those members with enemy skills to make the enemy skills impossible during the competition. This is because the Dragon King forced him to make a three-person dragon knight brigade according to his idea. However, the Dragon King can make a team of more than 160 people at most.
Finally, when there were thousands of people in the final round, Lin Tianxiao stared at the ring with his eyes shining. When the dragon clan in the ring issued the strongest blow, his members immediately flashed different colors to pick up the other party’s blow.
The Dragon King didn’t expect the other side to display such shameful moves, but after all, the other side took a move from its own people and it was impossible for the Dragon King to go back on his word!
Several happy and sad dragon kings came to Lin Tianxiao with a wry smile and said, "You’re a little powerful and you can hold back until the end, so that this epidemic attack style can make me count as a hundred people."
"Hum, if it weren’t for your despicable moves halfway, I couldn’t let my own people do it. It’s all your consequences. Besides, it’s already very good for you. You know, according to my recommendation, at least 300 people will be taken away, and now it’s half as good as it is."
Lin Tianxiao also shook his head and sighed. Signing the contract this time was simply a failure, and his ideal was much worse. It is impossible to know that those are all dragons. God, that person can have more than 160 dragon knights.
A moment later, when the Dragon King cast spells, Lin Tianxiao and others appeared in the Dragon Island from the virtual ring, and after a ceremony with the Dragon King, Lin Tianxiao took his own members to the dinosaur zone on a large scale.
Although the Dragon King paused, he didn’t stop the dinosaur clan. Although he also brought a dragon character and lived in the periphery of Longdao, since Lin Tianxiao wanted to collect it as a mount, let him accept it, even if he is his own child, he can have more protection.
Rao, the dragon king still told him not to destroy the ecological balance of Longdao too much. After all, the dinosaurs have also guarded Longdao for tens of thousands of years, and this master can’t look at them too sadly.
More than 200 million people on the periphery of Longdao stared at the world in front of them. There were huge dinosaurs everywhere, especially when I saw an arrogant Tyrannosaurus Rex constantly chasing those weak people, which immediately attracted everyone’s attention.
"It’s up to you whether you can do something. Mark my words, don’t slaughter these dinosaurs. We should form a good cycle so that we can give us pets and mounts for a long time."
At this time, Lin Tianxiao flew to half of his own members to make the guild chat system propaganda. This chat system is very good. After the guild president transferred to the mode that everyone can listen to himself, everyone could hear it as if Lin Tianxiao was opposite them.
Now that the boss has spoken, of course they will do it, but after all, it’s a game with casualties. That’s because it’s difficult. After less than ten minutes, I immediately heard someone swearing and launched a big move to put a carnivorous dragon’ Chinese Dragon Bird’ across the street covered in injuries!
Although there is a bird in the name of the Chinese dragon bird, it is not a bird, but a gregarious dinosaur with a strong body and a height of more than three meters, but its strength is not generally cunning, especially when it comes to seeing things for itself.
Lin Tianxiao shook his head. He couldn’t help but let his members vent. After all, these dozens of Chinese dragon birds have also killed hundreds of people on their side. It is understandable for members to kill so many. Who made them stubbornly refuse to become their own members’ mounts?
Time flies quickly, and it’s more than ten days. Lin Tianxie has gained a lot here. Forget it, the dragon clan. One hundred and sixty members have become dragon knights.
On the dinosaur side, there are also tens of millions of members who have become pseudo-dragon knights. These people have been compiled by Liu Heng and goblins. There are a total of ten brigades, each with one million people, and these people have the same dinosaur mounts or pets.
Lin Tianxie and Liu Heng goblins are very satisfied with the tens of millions of pseudo-dragon knights, especially the bombing troops in the 1 million pterosaurs led by the dragon knights who are indifferent will definitely make their opponents feel scared.
In addition to these people, there are nearly a million troops with different brands, and there are all kinds of dinosaurs. Even Tyrannosaurus rex was caught by them and got six balls. You know Tyrannosaurus rex is the only god among dinosaurs.
Chapter 33 Calculation
Of course, some people are happy, others are worried that millions of people have dinosaurs as mounts or pets, which is the cost of the death of those 200 million people. In addition to their excitement, they also have a belief that these people will die generously.
(What do I mean by the other 200 million people? They can collect pets and die because they are unlucky and killed by dinosaurs! )
Instant kung fu Lin Tianxie returned to his city, magic dragon City, with all the people!
In the past half a month, there have been several intruders in Longguo District. The number is not too large, about hundreds of millions. They are well-equipped and have a high level. As soon as they appeared, they hit several small cities.
Coincidentally, it seems that the system is intentional, and those who appear are generally arranged near the peripheral cities, which is still far from the main cities.
Therefore, the cities established by those guilds in the periphery were the first targets they attacked, and these small guild cities suddenly fell.
In this way, those foreign regional guilds that occupy the city can send support through the city’s array. The first main target of the counterattack is those who are attacked and sent to the city.
Magic dragon City When Lin Tianxiao and them came back, there were already dozens of guild bosses waiting there. It doesn’t mean that every guild has a city. They are all several guilds or even dozens of guilds United to build a city.
The reason why they are here is that they want Lin Tianxiao to drive out the invaders. They have invested a small amount of money and intend to honor Lin Tianxiao and ask him to do it.
Deacon hall Lin Tianxiao demon Liu Heng dozens of bosses are sitting there Lin Tianxiao frowning and listening to a person’s explanation.

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在我国广西壮族自治区首府南宁,有一条美丽的河流,她就是被誉为“南宁的母亲河”的龙凤江。龙凤江,犹如一条蜿蜒的玉带,穿梭在南宁市区的繁华与宁静之间,承载着南宁人民的历史记忆和情感寄托。那么,龙凤江具体位于何处呢?本文将为您揭开这一神秘面纱。 龙凤江,古称邕江,是珠江流域西江水系的一条重要支流,发源于南宁市武鸣区,流经南宁市青秀区、兴宁区、江南区、西乡塘区等城区,最终汇入邕江。龙凤江全长约64公里,流域面积约为540平方公里,是南宁市最重要的水源之一。 从地理位置上看,龙凤江位于南宁市中部偏南地区。具体来说,她的上游位于武鸣区,中游流经青秀区,下游则穿城而过,最终汇入邕江。在南宁市内,龙凤江流经的主要城区有青秀区、兴宁区、江南区、西乡塘区等。其中,青秀区是龙凤江流域面积最广、水流最长的城区。 龙凤江在南宁市内的具体位置如下: 1. 上游:位于南宁市武鸣区,主要流经武鸣城区和双桥镇等地。 2. 中游:流经青秀区,主要经过凤岭北、仙葫开发区、青秀山风景区等地。 3. 下游:穿城而过,流经兴宁区、江南区、西乡塘区等地,最终汇入邕江。 在南宁市,龙凤江沿岸有许多著名的景点和地标建筑,如青秀山风景区、邕江大桥、南宁国际会展中心等。这些景点不仅为市民提供了休闲娱乐的好去处,也为游客展示了南宁的独特魅力。 近年来,南宁市高度重视龙凤江的保护和治理工作。通过对龙凤江水环境、岸线景观、生态环境等方面的综合整治,龙凤江的生态环境得到了明显改善,成为南宁市一道亮丽的风景线。 总之,龙凤江作为南宁市的一条重要河流,其具体位置位于南宁市中部偏南地区,流经青秀区、兴宁区、江南区、西乡塘区等城区。她承载着南宁人民的历史记忆,见证了南宁的发展变迁。在未来的日子里,龙凤江将继续为南宁这座美丽的城市注入源源不断的活力。

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